"I'm feeling good from my head to my shoes..."
Give a woman a great outfit and fabulous accessories to wear for an important occasion and watch her confidence grow! Getting a new suit during a job search makes anyone feel capable, even courageous. This is the transformative power of clothing, and
The Career Wardrobe offers a booster shot of this power everyday to low-income women re-entering the workplace. Gently used, contemporary suits donated by local business women get a new life there.
I’m a new volunteer at The Career Wardrobe and I’m constantly struck by their commitment to empowering women to succeed in the workplace. It's a place where women bond, encourage and help each other. Terms of endearment between clients and Wardrobe stylists fly through the air as hangars clatter and piles of suits, blouses, and shoes fill the dressing rooms. The scene is a spontaneous fashion show, smiles widening amid cries of “Girl, you are working that suit!” Hugs are given freely.
love helping someone choose stylish business attire--helping them to create a new self that glows with confidence and pride. Many clients haven’t dressed up in years and are surprised to see how great they look. I have the pleasure of helping them select the Ann Taylor or Tahari suit, the hot pink silk blouse, the Bandolino pumps. I cheer when they strike a pose in the mirror. Offer encouragement when they feel unsure about their selection, advise on skirt length, debate pant suit versus skirt suit. Push them to add a little nontraditional jewelry.
In the end, she walks out the door taller than when she came in. The jukebox in her head is playing Prince’s “Baby I’m A Star,” or maybe Patti Labelle’s “New Attitude,” because she knows that she'll look great at the interview. She’s seeing herself for the first time as someone with a sense of self-worth and rising self-esteem. She's wearing a new attitude.