Sunday, November 7, 2010

Vintage Coats

The brisk winds of autumn are kicking up again, and it’s time to pull on colorful tights and cashmere-lined gloves.  Biker jackets, pea coats, trenches and hoodies will keep you snug as a bug in a rug, but if you really want to work the personal style, vintage coats are your ticket.

I have three vintage coats (see pics below) and each one makes a unique style statement.  Each coat was bargain priced and proves that you can get more for less.  Here's how to make the best choices.  Study labels and fabrics. Watch Douglas Sirk movies or films from the French New Wave.  Read about Studio 54 and check out the outrageous fashions of the 1970s.  Scan the wonderous street styles on The Sartorialist!  Then visit Goodwill, the Salvation Army, local resale stores.  Spend $20, look like a million bucks and be warm as toast.


Anonymous said...

I just spotted your blog about the ercoli south Philadelphia it still around? And if so where is it? I can't find it! Thanks

LA White said...

Sadly, it is no longer around. The owners are no longer in the fashion business. It's been many years, but I still miss them!