Men in Paris are unabashedly sexy. They wear suits. Well-cut trousers, jackets that fit them - not their oversized uncles. Navy, charcoal, pin stripes. Crisp shirts in white or pastels. Impeccable leather shoes that bear no resemblance to the merchandise at Shoe Corner. No pleated trousers. Non to Jerry Garcia ties or ties that resemble a four year-old’s art project. Suits - not a pilly pullover and worn Dockers. Suits on scooters - suits on the Metro.
French businessmen look like they will win the chess game. They’re well-groomed with great haircuts. They aren’t wearing basketball sneakers and khakis as they plot their next move. They don't walk into a meeting wearing polo shirts under sports jackets with mangy backpacks hanging off their shoulders.
Remember the last time you saw the man in your life wearing a suit? Bet your temperature went up a bit. Remember when one of your co-workers came to the office in a business suit? Bet he looked more competent. When your company's IT guy came to work wearing a suit everyone assumed that he was looking for a new job. He looked serious and far more socially adept.
It may be time to dissolve the casual workplace. We've gotten sloppy in dress and in practice. A well-dressed businessman in the States shouldn't be as rare as the dodo bird. Besides, isn't it true that when we look good we feel good? If we feel good, we perform better. Two of my favorite TV lawyers, Perry Mason and Jack McCoy, always wear suits on the job. They would not be nearly as intimidating in Sixers jerseys.
What man doesn't want to be as cool as Bogie? He won because he was dressed like a winner.
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