Monday, May 31, 2010

This Just In…

Trend watchers and style makers have spoken and the color for fall 2010 is-–RED!  There was a lot of it heating up the fall runways and it looks so right with the workday neutrals.  Everyone looks fabulous in red and there is a shade that flatters every skin tone.  It’s a color that warms the soul, stokes passion, whets the appetite.  It’s bold, sexy, confident, and may lower your inhibitions. 

But before you jump out there in head-to-toe ruby with rose-colored accents, please remember that most things are best is moderation.  Consider a pair of tomato red suede pumps with a black sweater dress, or a cherry red cardigan with a chocolate felted wool pencil skirt.  I would like a coral cashmere scarf tucked snugly around my neck with a black pea coat.

So, get your red on, and wear a little bit of your heart on your sleeve (or your back, head and hands) this fall.

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