Monday, February 6, 2012

Happiness Is a Warm Gunn

Tim Gunn
One of my favorite style gurus, Project Runway star Tim Gunn, was interviewed in the February 2012 issue of Mother Jones.  Several of his quotes should be embroidered on a pillow cover, but here are my favorites:
  • "The clothes we wear send a message about how the world perceives us.  People say to me, 'Oh that's so shallow, that's so inconsequential--don't say that.' Well, it's true!  Let me put it this way--if you're at a cocktail reception, how do you know who the waitstaff are? You know by how they're dressed."
  • "...I find the whole notion of the multi-thousand-dollar [couture] dress to be thoroughly repugnant.  It's not necessary.  It's how I feel about Kim Kardashian's $2 million engagement ring."
Mr. Gunn also believes that no one is too smart for style.  He says, "There is a notion that if you're concerned about your appearance it's anti-intellectual. I say, "Hogwash!"

Gotta love this man!

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