Friday, December 25, 2009

Top Ten Style Resolutions for 2010

  1. Seek out more vintage wear - do a regular resale/vintage shop crawl. Create special, personal looks appropriate for my attitude and aspirations.
  2. Toss out the cherry red nail polish and vamp with the Elvira-inspired colors. Just bought a knockout burnt midnight color, Sephora by OPI‘s “In The Shadows.”
  3. Step away from the department stores and step up to the boutiques.
  4. Bust out selected evening pieces to mix with daywear.
  5. Continue my thrice weekly trips to 12th Street Gym.
  6. Continue to wear things that hug the body that I’ve worked hard for!
  7. Wear my vintage coats. At free/inherited, and five or ten dollars, they are small style investments that I should not hoard.
  8. No schlub wear while shopping or running errands. You get more respect when you’re not rocking the charwoman look.
  9. Wear the gorgeous vintage costume jewelry that I inherited from my mother, grandmother and great aunt. The pieces will look better dangling from my wrists or my throat than they will lying in the jewelry box.
  10. Forgo hair color and keep the ultra cool Charlie Jones as my barber.

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